2016 August SAP Official New Released C_BOWI_41 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!
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Are you interested in successfully completing the SAP C_BOWI_41 Certification Then start to earning Salary? Lead2pass has leading edge developed SAP exam questions that will ensure you pass this C_BOWI_41 exam! Lead2pass delivers you the most accurate, current and latest updated C_BOWI_41 Certification exam questions and available with a 100% money back guarantee promise!
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bowi-41.html
Which DaysBetween() function syntax should you use to calculate the number of years since your birth, assuming the date object is Birth_date?
A. =DaysBetween([Birth_date] ; CurrentDate ) / 365.25
B. =DaysBetween([Birth_date] , CurrentDate() ) / 365.25
C. =DaysBetween([Birth_date] ; CurrentDate() ) / 365.25
D. =DaysBetween(CurrentDate() ; [Birth_date] ) / 365.25
Answer: C
Which character should you use to reset the result of the RunningSum( ) function for either a break or a section?
A. Semicolon (;)
B. Percent (%)
C. Underscore (_)
D. Comma (,)
Answer: A
Which two panels can you use to purge data from a BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1 document (WID)?
A. Query
B. Report
C. Active X
D. Slice and Dice
Answer: AB
Which two statements are true about Page Layout of a report?
A. It displays the definition of the block.
B. It displays the report page by default.
C. It defines what the report will look like when printed.
D. It defines what the report will look like in PDF mode.
Answer: CD
Where in Web Intelligence do you view merged dimensions?
A. In the Report Map panel
B. In the Available Objects panel
C. In the Input Controls panel
D. In the Document Structure and Filters panel
Answer: B
You try to select a number of data objects from the Data tab to drag into a report, but some of them are grayed out and in italics. Which statement explains this behavior?
A. Some of the selected objects are restricted.
B. Some of the selected objects are not synchronized.
C. Some of the selected objects have different data formats.
D. Some of the selected objects do not have different data types.
Answer: B
How does rearranging the objects in the Result pane after the query has run affect the block display?
A. The objects are rearranged in the block based on the order in the Results Objects pane.
B. The reordered objects are removed from the block.
C. The block is sorted in ascending order based on the first object in the Results Objects pane.
D. The block remains unchanged.
Answer: D
Which three options appear in the Scope of Analysis pane in the Query panel?
A. None
B. Default
C. Custom
D. One Level
Answer: ACD
Which two statements are true of an ambiguous query?
A. It can be resolved with a loop.
B. It can be resolved with a context.
C. It contains all possible combinations of rows from the tables inferred by the objects.
D. It contains one or more objects that can potentially return two different types of information.
Answer: BD
Which statement is true of the Where operator when used within a variable?
A. It instructs the variable to calculate only where certain values are true.
B. It modifies the HAVING clause of the SQL generated to calculate the measure expression.
C. It modifies the WHERE clause of the SQL generated to calculate the measure expression.
D. It is not necessary to place parentheses around the values listed after the Where operator.
Answer: A
All SAP C_BOWI_41 exam questions are the new checked and updated! In recent years, the C_BOWI_41 certification has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Want to become a certified SAP professional? Download Lead2pass 2016 latest released C_BOWI_41 exam dumps full version and pass C_BOWI_41 100%!
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