2016 August SAP Official New Released C_TAW12_740 Dumps in Lead2pass.com!
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I was recommended by one of my friend, he used the Lead2pass C_TAW12_740 materials and said they are helpful. He was right! I passed my SAP C_TAW12_740 exam yesterday. I was lucky, all my questions in the exams were from Lead2pass dumps.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-taw12-740.html
You want to select all record from a database table where field City contains substring ‘BIT in any position. Which WHERE clause can you use in an Open SQL statement?
A. WHERE city LIKE ‘*BU*’
B. WHERE city LIKE ‘+BU+’
C. WHERE city LIKE ‘_BU_’
D. WHERE city LIKE ‘%BU%’
Answer: D
Which of the following actions can be performed in the Process After Input (PAI) processing block?
A. Set fo the GUI status of the screen
B. Modify screen attributes dynamically
C. Set title bar
D. Check the function code
Answer: BD
What can be exposed in the component interface of a web dynpro component?
A. Custom methods of the component controller
B. Public attributes of WINDOW controllers
C. Context nodes of the WINDOW controllers
D. Standard hook methods the component controller
Answer: ACD
In which database table type is there a one-to-one relationship between the Dictionary table definition and the relevant physical table in the database?
A. Cluster table
B. Pooled table
C. Transparent table
D. Internal table
Answer: C
Which of the folDynpro application to transaction database data to the user interface?
A. Interface controller
B. Supply function
C. Inbound plug
D. Context node
Answer: D
Which objects can share data through context mapping?
A. View controller and another view controller
B. Component controllers and view controllers
C. Custom controllers and transparent tables
D. Global classes and component controllers
Answer: B
Which of the following characters is the first of a menu exit function code?
A. &
B. –
C. +
D. *
Answer: C
You are establishing the business logic layer for a Web Dynpro Component. Which service types are available in the Service Call wizard? (Choose three)
A. Transaction code
B. Web service proxy
C. Class method
D. Function module
E. Function group
Answer: BCD
How would you defined a method of an ABAP class to prevent this method from being available in subclass?
A. Final
B. Abstract
C. Protected
D. Private
Answer: D
You created a transparent table and during activation got a warning message ‘Enhancement category for table missing".
What do you have to do to eliminate the warning message?
A. Select any option other than Not Classified from the enhancement category.
B. Change the Data Class and Size category in the technical settings.
C. Provide the correct reference field for the Currency or Quantity field.
D. Select the option Not Classified from the enhancement category.
Answer: A
I think Lead2pass Q&As are very good for the people who do not have much time for their SAP C_TAW12_740 exam preparation. You can easily pass the exam only by memorize Lead2pass questions and answers. Believe or not, I did so and I passed my C_TAW12_740 exam.
C_TAW12_740 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDbDVWLVBEcGxKSlk
2016 SAP C_TAW12_740 exam dumps (All 159 Q&As) from Lead2pass:
http://www.lead2pass.com/c-taw12-740.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]